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The Wessex History curriculum helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives in Britain and that of the wider world, the process of change, the diversity and relationships of societies, as well as developing their own identity and analysing challenges of their time.


Studying History allows the pupils to develop the confidence to think critically, ask perceptive questions, and be able to analyse and explain historical and develop perspective and judgements.  We encourage pupils to understand how historians study the past and construct accounts and the skills to carry out their own historical enquiries.


Our History scheme aims to support pupils in building their understanding of the past, making note of the connections, contrasts and trends over time and develop the appropriate use of a wide range of vocabulary for historical terms and develop a chronologically-secure knowledge of History. The scheme explores the themes of power, invasion, settlement and migration, empire, civilisation, religion, trade, achievements of humankind, society and culture of Britain and the wider world.
