Late/Absence Procedures
Reporting your Child Absent
If your child is off sick or will be absent from school, we need to be informed by 9.30am at the latest. To use the pupil absence line please call the school and press option 1 to leave your child’s name, class and a brief message explaining why they are absent from school. If we do not hear from you, your child will be marked as having unauthorised absence.
We expect every child to be attending school unless they are medically unfit or have an extenuating circumstance.
Excellent attendance at school is important to allow a child or young person to fulfil their potential. It also allows them to forge strong connections with their peers and adults at school.
Holidays, days out and events
English Law expects all children over the age of 5 years to be in school unless medically unfit. There are no allowances for days out, birthdays, holidays or long weekends. Please avoid all holidays in term time as these will be marked as unauthorised. Exceptional circumstances may include a day for a significant religious event (including funeral or wedding). Please be mindful of the length of time requested for an absence e.g. an exceptional circumstance may be authorised for a day but not a week – any travel time may remain unauthorised.
Any unauthorised leave of absence may be referred to the Education Welfare Service which could result in prosecution proceedings or a Fixed Penalty Notice. If a Fixed Penalty Notice is issued, a separate Notice may be issued to each parent for each child. We expect the LA to issue Penalty Notices under their commitment to tackle unauthorised absences.
For any request for time out of school, a term time absence form must be completed well in advance of the date and handed in to the school office.
Every single day a child is absent from school equates to a day of lost learning.
Percentage attendance over an academic year | Number of learning days that are lost within an academic year | Grading |
100% attendance | 0 days of learning missed | Excellent
95% Attendance | 9 days of absence (1 week and 4 days) of learning missed | Satisfactory |
90% Attendance | 19 days of absence (3 weeks and 4 days) of learning missed | Poor |
85% Attendance | 28 days of absence (5 weeks and 3 days) of learning missed | Very Poor |
80% Attendance | 38 days of absence (7 weeks and 3 days) of learning missed | Unacceptable |
75% Attendance | 46 days of absence (9 weeks and 1 days) of learning missed | Unacceptable