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KS2 Year 3

Class Teachers:
Mrs Cox
Hazel: Mrs Pervez

Wed - Fri morning - Mrs Aggarwal

HLTA: Mrs Venkatachellam 

Support staff: Mrs Patrick and Mrs Hyde

PE Days: Tuesdays and Fridays


Meet the Teacher Presentation - 2024 - 2025 Year 3

Year 3 Curriculum Map


We are setting weekly spellings on 'Seesaw' to test the following week as part of the home learning. We have added the common exception words that children are expected to be able to spell at the end of Year 4 (Year 1 - 4 common exceptions words). You are welcome to work with your child on common exception words if you wish. 

If your child is absent from school but well enough to do some work, you can visit the Oak Academy and the BBC Bitesize websites where you will find a variety of great lessons. Click on the link below which will take you to the Year 3 lessons.



It has been lovely to welcome the children back to school and they have really embraced being with their peers and getting back into the swing of things. They have adjusted really well and have impressed us.


A couple of reminders:



All children should have the necessary stationary with them every day including:

- Pencils

- Handwriting Pen

- scissors

- glue sticks

- rulers (30 cm length please) 

- a set of colouring pencils

- sharpener


PE Days

Children have to come to school in their PE kit on the days they have PE, as we will not be able to change during the school day. The PE days for the Year 3 classes are as follows:

Holly Class: Tuesday and Friday

Hazel Class: Tuesday and Friday


Reading Books

Please can the children bring in their reading books every day whether they have finished them or not.


Contacting Class Teachers

Please E-mail the school office if you have any matters to discuss (or questions) and they will forward you E-mail to your child's class teacher.


Many thanks!


Other fun and educational Links: