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School Meals

Menu Term 5: 15th April to 26th May 2024

Please hand into the school office the below form, if your child has a food allergy or intolerance.

Please remember to book your child's meal on ARBOR in advance and especially by the day before. This allows the kitchen staff to order sufficient food. School will be unable to book meals for your child if you have not ordered one for that morning and if this is the case, you must provide a packed lunch.


The school cannot change the meal that is ordered for your child and your child will be unable to change the meal at school if they decide they don't want it. Please ensure that you book your child's meals together so that they know what to expect. 

Packed Lunches


If your child is bringing packed lunch into school, please provide them with a healthy lunch and also a drink of water, milk or fruit juice.

Any items that need to be delivered to children during the school day should be clearly named and dropped in to the school office. 


We have an increasing number of children who have nut allergies. Some of these are life-threatening allergies. Therefore, we are a ‘nut free school’. This includes peanut butter and Nutella spread.


Please do no bring any of these products into school.


School Meals
A hot meal is available to order should you wish your child to have school dinners.  

  • Free for all children in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2.
  • £2.55* for all children in Years 3-6 and paid via Scopay
    *Pupils eligible for Pupil Premium Funding receive funded meals


Every child that would like a hot meal will have to use the online ordering facility via Arbor.


Parents have until 11.59pm the day before to order their child a lunch. If a child does not have a packed lunch or a hot lunch ordered, they will be given a jacket potato and their account charged accordingly.


Please go through the weekly menus with your child and choose the options they would like.


Please note you must have a positive balance on your account in order to book a school dinner.
