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Safeguarding Child Protection Policy 2024

Staff and Governors at Wessex Primary School are aware that many children are the victims of different kinds of abuse and that they can be subjected to social factors that have an adverse impact upon their lives – including domestic violence, substance misuse, bullying,  mental health and radicalisation. We also acknowledge that safeguarding incidents could happen anywhere and staff should be alert to possible concerns arising. Wessex Primary School recognises its responsibilities for Child Protection. We follow national and local Child Protection procedures ( and work together in partnership with parents/carers and other agencies/organisations that support children and families.


Through our curriculum we teach children to stay safe and to be happy.  We support all children by:

  • Creating an ethos which enables children to feel secure and encourages them to talk to an adult knowing that they will be listened to
  • Promoting a happy, caring, safe and positive environment for children to learn, communicate and develop
  • Encouraging their self-esteem and resilience in every aspect of their life
  • Liaising with other support services involved in the safeguarding of children


We encourage the understanding that any problem or worry that our pupils may have is legitimate, and to share their worries, big or small with their trusted adult; at home, school or with ChildLine.


Prevent Strategy

Prevent is a government strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorist or extremist causes.  At Wessex Primary School we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all pupils. We recognise that safeguarding against radicalisation and extremism is no different to safeguarding against any other vulnerability in today’s society. Through the curriculum we actively promote British values alongside our School values to provide a safe environment and help our pupils to become positive, happy members of society.

Fundamental British Values

Wessex Primary School is committed to serving its community and surrounding areas.  We recognise the multi-cultural, multi-faith nature of the United Kingdom and understand the crucial role our school plays in promoting these values.  We are a school for all with a specialist resource base for the hearing impaired.  This statement outlines the key British values we actively promote alongside our school values. We equip our pupils with the necessary skills to be the best possible people they can be using the fundamental British values of: Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect and Tolerance.



Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Mrs Ann Leigh

Deputy Safeguarding Leads:
Mr Tim Beavan, Mrs Sarah Pope and Mrs Hannah Denning

Safeguarding Governor:
Mrs Naomi Churchill


Online Safety
