This page contains our statutory school policies and other important documents. These are also available in printed form from the school office on request. Other policies are also available. Please ask or email office@wessexprimary.org should you require any and allow a 5 working day turnaround.
Key policies
- Accessibility Plan 24-25.pdf
- Allegations by Pupils Against Pupils Policy.pdf
- Anti-Bullying Policy.pdf
- Assessment Policy.pdf
- Attendance policy.pdf
- Behaviour policy.pdf
- Charging and Remission Policy.pdf
- Complaints Policy.pdf
- Confidentiality Policy.pdf
- Data Protection Policy.pdf
- Equal Opportunities Policy.pdf
- Equality Objectives.pdf
- Exclusions Policy.pdf
- Health and Safety - Statement of Intent.pdf
- Hearing Resource Base.pdf
- Intimate Care Policy.pdf
- Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints.pdf
- Online safety.pdf
- Parent Carer Code of Conduct .pdf
- Privacy notice for parents and children.pdf
- PSHE and RSE Policy July 2021.pdf
- Safeguarding Policy 2024.pdf
- Safer Recruitment and Selection Policy.pdf
- SEND and Inclusion Policy.pdf
- Social Media Policy.pdf
- Uniform Policy.pdf
- Wessex Primary School Medicine policy.pdf
- Whistleblowing - Raising Concerns At Work.pdf