School Logo



It is our policy that all pupils should wear school uniform when attending school or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours. We provide a complete list of the items needed for school uniform on our website.


Aims and objectives

Our policy is based on the notion that a school uniform:

  • promotes a sense of pride in the school;
  • engenders a feeling of community and belonging;
  • is practical and smart;
  • identifies the pupils with the school;
  • is not distracting in class (as fashion clothes might be);
  • makes pupils feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance;
  • is regarded as suitable, and good value for money, by most parents;
  • has been designed with health and safety in mind.



On health and safety grounds we do not allow pupils to wear jewellery in our school. The exceptions to this rule are ear studs in pierced ears. Any pupil wearing jewellery will be asked to remove it and it will then be stored safely until the end of the school day when it will be returned to the parent. Jewellery should not be worn at school therefore the school takes no responsibility for any items of jewellery a pupil wears to school.


Children not wearing a plain stud will be asked to remove the earring from their ears or to cover it with safety tape for their parents to remove at home.


Fashion earrings that show a motive e.g. a Nike tick, a skull, flag, emblem or a hoop are not acceptable items of jewellery in school and will be asked to be removed.



All pupils, girls and boys, are requested to tie hair up where it is long enough to do so throughout the school day. Hair must be tied up in plain hair bands (black, white, grey or green). Haircuts with designer lines and patterns are not considered suitable.



Pupils should wear plain black school shoes. Pupils should not wear shoes that have platform soles, high heels or are open toed.


The school uniform consists of:

  • Green school sweatshirt or cardigan with gold Wessex logo;
  • White polo shirt;
  • Black trousers, knee length skirt, or pinafore dress;
  • Black shorts may be worn during warmer weather;
  • Green and white checked dress may be worn during summer weather;
  • Black, grey or white socks or tights;
  • Black school shoes.

P.E Kit

  • Plain green t-shirt with school logo in house colour (Blue – Lancaster; Green – Windsor; Red – York; Yellow – Stuart);
  • Black shorts or tracksuit bottoms;
  • Black trainers for outdoor P.E. / Games – with spare socks if required (Indoor P.E. lessons will be barefoot);
  • A school hoodie can be worn for outdoor games during the winter months.



  • Long hair (shoulder length) must be tied back at all times using plain green, white or black ‘scrunchies’, clips or bands;
  • Hijabs or head dressings worn for religious reasons should be black, white or green.
  • Makeup, nail polish, temporary tattoos or transfers should not be worn;
  • New book bags and P.E. bags are available;
  • If children wear jewellery for religious purposes they will be asked to remove it for PE and games sessions where this may cause a health and safety risk.


All of the uniform can be purchased from Goyals of Maidenhead or other general uniform suppliers.


The role of parents

Parents should ensure that their child has the correct uniform and that it is clean and in good repair. The school welcomes pupils from all backgrounds and faith communities. If there are significant reasons, for example religious objections, why parents want their child to wear clothes that differ from the school uniform, the headteacher is happy to consider such requests.


Similarly, should an item of school uniform prove problematic for a pupil with disabilities, then parents are invited to draw this to the attention of the Headteacher.


Cost of school uniform

The school will consider the total cost of the school uniform, taking into account all items of uniform or clothing parents will need to provide while their child is at the school.


If there are financial barriers to parents providing school uniform, parents are encouraged to speak with a member of the school team who can arrange or organise support.


Second hand uniform is available for parents to acquire. This can be access through the school office or the Parent and Teacher Association.


The role of governors

The Governing Board will ensure that, in developing and implementing their uniform policy, the school complies with the Human Rights Act 1998 and Equality Act 2010 and takes into account key considerations such as safeguarding requirements and the health and safety of their pupils.

