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School Values - The Wessex Way



The Wessex Way is comprised of our school values, our taught character curriculum and our classroom expectations.


Our values:


Our classroom expectations:


These expectations are visible and referenced in all learning spaces around the school. When pupils move from one class to another, they understand that the expectations remain the same regardless of the location of the classroom or the adults working with them.


Our Character Curriculum:

Our character curriculum covers many simple social skills that we as adults take for granted, e.g. introducing yourself; disagreeing constructively; sharing; holding doors open for people and more. The curriculum is sequenced so that knowledge is built over time and is recapped each year. Each week, a new character trait is taught in our weekly assembly so that pupils have the opportunity to practise this throughout the week. This character trait is then reinforced within the classroom and around the school.


Pupils who demonstrate The Wessex Way receive a values or Wessex Way sticker or a certificate in our Good News assembly each Friday. Parents of children receiving certificates are invited to attend these Good News assemblies.


Fundamental British Values


Wessex Primary School is committed to serving its community and surrounding areas.  We recognise the multi-cultural, multi-faith nature of the United Kingdom and understand the crucial role our school plays in promoting these values.  We are a school for all with a specialist resource base for the hearing impaired.  This statement outlines the key British values we actively promote alongside our school values. We equip our pupils with the necessary skills to be the best possible people they can be using the fundamental British values of: Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect and Tolerance.


This is our school
Let peace dwell here
Let the place be full of contentment
Let love abide
Love of one another
Love of mankind
And love of life itself
Let us remember
That it takes
As many hands to build a house
And as many hearts to make a school

