With the PTA AGM coming up next Tuesday 16th July, the time has come for a new team to step forward into the core roles of the committee.
The school would like to hugely thank Cath Todd, Gemma Hing, Joanne Edwards, Sara Berloth and Sophie Adams – 4 of which are stepping down from their positions. The effort they’ve put into the last 2 years has been incredible. None of the PTA events would have happened with their organisation, time and enthusiasm, making Wessex the friendly community school that it is.
Parents or Grandparents, individually or paired up, please don’t be shy – the school needs you!!!
If you’re interested but unsure, or would just like to know more, please feel free to contact any of the above names who would be more than happy to have an informal chat. You can also read more about the different roles in the link below.
Cath and Gemma will also still be around to support the new Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Officers, all of which can be shared positions if preferred.
Joanne is happy to continue the amazing work she’s done as Treasurer this year, but would also welcome extra support to share the role if anyone else would like to join her.
Fi Hart will continue support on the side with online communications and posters etc. where needed.
The Class Reps will also continue to be a vital link between the PTA and all other parents but we desperately need volunteers to come forward to take over the Core Roles for the crucial key organisation and delegation to make it all happen.
Many thanks.