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Junior Leadership Team

Our Junior Leadership Team is the voice of the pupils at the school. The group is comprised of four Year 6 pupils who demonstrate our Wessex values every single day. There is an application process which takes place each year during the Autumn term. 


Pupils selected for the Junior Leadership Team have a wide-range of responsibilities and privileges which may include things such as touring visitors around the school, assisting at school events or representing the school when working collaboratively with other schools. The other role that the Junior Leaders hold is that of pupil voice within the school. This may include designing and completing pupil surveys, canvassing pupils at break and lunchtimes, helping to decide on charity events or reporting on any school media. The Junior Leaders meet with Mr Beavan and the Senior Leadership Team to feed back pupil voice relating to school life regularly and have begun to make the pupil voice in the school heard. 


We are very proud of the Junior Leadership Team and look forward to them being more visible in the school in the coming months.  


