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Note there is limited visitor parking on site – and no parking for parents dropping off or picking up children between 8am – 5pm. The school is located at the end of St Adrian’s Close which is resident parking only.


Please park responsibly in Wessex Way or use the shops car park.  There’s more room, it gives you a bit of exercise, it keeps our neighbours happy and it keeps our children safe.  Thank you.

Vehicles needing access to the school car park need to stop at the school gate and use the intercom to speak to reception to gain access – the gate will slide open.



Dear Parents

A number of reports have been brought to my attention regarding inconsiderate parking issues in this area.

I would like to remind you it is an offence to park:-

  • On the zig zag lines outside schools
  • Within 10m (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space
  • Obstructing or partially obstructing a drop kerb for driveways or disability bays
  • On double yellow lines
  • On single yellow lines during times shown
  • Partially or wholly on the pavement unless signs permit (parking on the pavement can obstruct and seriously inconvenience pedestrians).
  • Obstructing a Public Highway (by obstructing a flow of traffic)


In addition to the above, please do not park on grass verges as these are maintained by residents or the local Council. Parking on these could result in Criminal Damage offences.

Please use parking bays as marked out on the road surface where possible. If you have to park on the road side please:

  • Do not park against the flow of traffic
  • Stop as close to the kerb as possible
  • Check for cyclists, vehicle or pedestrians before opening your door.
  • As a Crime Prevention measure, please do not leave valuables on display.


RBWM Council provides parking attendants who work as part of the multi-agency enforcement team with Thames Valley Police and are able to issue fixed penalty fines where necessary.

We would like to thank you for your support of local inconsiderate parking issues.


PCSO 3613 Cleaver
