Mirё se erdhe, Dobrodošli, Добре дошли,
Vítejte, Bienvenue, Willkommen, Kalwsorisate, Benvenuti,
Boyei malámu, Sveiki atvykę, Witam, Bem-vindo, Bun venit, Добро пожаловать,
Soo dhawoo, Bienvenido, Karibu, Hoşgeldiniz, آپ کا استقبال ہے,
நல்வரவு, ਜੀ ਆਇਆ ਨੂੰ।, پخير, 欢迎, 歓迎, स्वागत, ברוך הבא,
સ્વાગત, καλωσόρισμα, স্বাগত, ترحيب
On behalf of the children, staff and governors, welcome to our school! We are a two-form entry Primary School situated just outside Maidenhead. We currently have approximately 400 children on roll and a staff team of around 40 adults.
The main aim at Wessex is to provide high quality teaching opportunities to allow all pupils to thrive and make progress through a challenging and ambitious curriculum. Our four values of positivity, honesty, respect and pride underpin all that we do. We are aspirational in our drive to see our pupils develop emotionally, socially, physically and academically. As a result, we aim to teach pupils the key skills they need to succeed not just for secondary school but also in the wider world. To get a flavour of what school life is like here, please head over to our newsletter page.
Pupils very much enjoy their time at Wessex; they speak highly of the school and especially the dedicated adults who work here. We are an attachment aware school and demonstrate this on a day-to-day basis through the care and interactions between adults and pupils. We are one of only a few schools locally who have a specialist resource provision for pupils with a hearing impairment. Pupils attending our resource are taught both by specialist staff outside of their main class setting but also within their classroom with their peers and bespoke support.
We very much welcome visitors to the school. Should you wish to be in touch, our contact information can be found here.
Mr Tim Beavan