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What is Seesaw?

Seesaw is a digital app-based platform that allows teachers, children and parents to complete and share learning. 


Why do we use Seesaw?

  • We found during the Summer of 2019 - 2020, Seesaw was a highly effective and motivating tool to keep children who were not in school due to Covid19 connected with their learning and their teachers.
  • We want to ensure our remote education is high quality and allows the children to receive personalised feedback from their teacher.
  • Pupils can complete work online and present their learning in a range of ways and work does not need to be printed out.
  • It is easy to use and can be accessed on any internet enabled device.


What if we don’t have internet access or a suitable device?

  • Please speak to your child’s class teacher or member of the office staff.


What else will Seesaw be used for?

  • Each year group will utilise Seesaw slightly differently and this will be communicated by your child’s teacher.
  • As a school, we will use Seesaw to celebrate learning that has happened in class such as artwork and Harvest celebrations.


How will children learn how to use Seesaw?

  • We will show children in school how to use Seesaw.
  • For more information please visit the Seesaw website.


